The best way to know someone is through their work. Here, from the most recent working backwards, is a (presently incomplete) list of books Adam has helped bring to stores.
Each image is taken from Amazon so you can check the books out. Notice the keen pricing that professional publishing is able to achieve through volume.
Covid Street: Street Photographers United
Tanya Nagar et al.
Published directly by AJPC, this book is a unique project which required building a system for creatives to upload images and agree the necessary rights using a dedicated web site.
Sold: in US | UK
Translation Rights: available from AJPC directly
Photography Decoded
Susan Bright & Hedy Van Erp
While working with ilex, I brought this proposal through the commissioning process, and it can now be found in stores! Working with Tate means quality assurance was essential.
Sold: in US | UK
Translation Rights: Octopus foreignrights [at]
Life in 50mm
Tanya Nagar
A medium-sized coffee-table book, commissioned by Adam through Octopus Publishing Group (Hachette). This is a great example of how making a quality product for a niche – in this case, street photographers – can succeed more effectively than ‘just another recipe book’.
Sold: in US | UK
Translation Rights: Octopus
Retro Tech
The Nostalgia Nerd / Peter Leigh
Geeks have inherited the earth, and while they look to the future, they’re nostalgic too. This project hinged on Adam bringing together a good designer and a collection of print-grade images from a shoot he personally oversaw to illustrate Peter Leigh’s knowledge and YouTube presence.
Sold: in US | UK
Translation Rights: Octopus foreignrights [at]
One Face 50 Ways
WeeklyImogen (Youtube)
A great example of successfully taking a massive YouTube channel and adapting it for print. Imogen is the star, and Mark the off-camera photographer, teaching photography techniques. The book turns what might be a limitation – one model – into a virtue, showing how aspiring photographers can be creative and resulting in a book which stands alone as well as appealing to the legions of fans.
Sold: in US | UK | Spain | France
Translation Rights: Octopus foreignrights [at]

NY Through the Lens
Vivenne Gucwa
Adapting the blog of a self-taught photographer with hundreds of thousands of fans into a coffee table book is tricky; how much will they pay? This small-ish (210mm / 8.25-inch square) hardcover coffee table book was perfect, and even earned a sequel. There was also a sequel, NY in the Snow.
Sold: in US | UK | France
Translation Rights: Octopus foreignrights [at]